A Gift For Reba Poster

Gift For Reba

A young daughter escapes the Fate of her father. Or does she?



This project was my final “assignment” as a candidate for On The Lot, a reality show produced by Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg for DreamWorks Television. I had one week to deliver the film and three themes from which to pick. I selected “Skeletons in the Closet” and, as you can see in the last shot which is a 360°, there really is one.

I was not allowed to use professional actors, so my graphics designer, Ron Pereira and his daughter Elaine stepped up and became my wonderful players along with an icon of Topanga, Mike Anapol, who thankfully agreed to portray the Haunter. This 3-minute cautionary tale is a warning to parents to beware what “gifts” they leave their children.